

Moving data from encyclopedia to digital endlessness

Creation of a brand image for Artsdata, a project that enables various arts and culture organizations to manage and optimize open data about their activities and events.


December 2023 to January 2024


Project created for CAPACOA.

Project cover


Operating in the art sector, the clients wanted to portray a less corporate image, but one which was more sophisticated and elegant, while remaining representative of the environment in which the project was being pursued. They also needed a few variations to quickly convey this new image.

Team project

Digital Transformation Agent: Dessa Hayes
Director of Research and Development: Frédéric Julien

Main tasks

  • Creation of a new brand image for the project
  • Various promotional visuals for social networks, communications and collaborator presentations
  • Creation of a small library of interface elements to standardize online tools

Final look

Recalling the texture of paper and encyclopedia covers, the brand's atmosphere aims to evoke the academic context and seriousness emerging from museums and old documents.

To contrast with the classic wisdom, the logotype uses bold, modern typography. To avoid an old-fashioned feel, "Tabulation" masks are used to dynamize page layouts. The use of initials in curved forms is also permitted in certain contexts.