

A union between the performing arts and open data

Footlight is a platform that enables cultural event organizers to feed their calendar with open data in order to facilitate the maintenance of different contents.


August 2022 and currently


Project developed with Culture Creates.

Project cover


I was hired in August 2022 to help Culture Creates implement the MVP for their products. First of all, we chose to use the Ant design library to base the interface and facilitate early development. I then adapted and customized the interface according to Footlight's specific context of use.

The scope of the functionalities and the planning of the different sprints had already been determined, so I designed scalable interfaces to facilitate users' understanding of the tool's abstract concepts.

Main tasks

  • Creation of the user experience for the tool's various data and calendar management functionalities
  • Implementation of the interface components and their variables, as well as their tablet and mobile versions
  • Evolutions and improvements of interfaces based on user feedback


CEO: Tammy Lee
COO: Caitlin Troughton
CTO: Gregory Saumier-Finch

Final look

The application has now reached a stage of maturity where several complex functionalities are articulated in the interface. Taxonomy and data management concepts are represented in a user-friendly way for active users.

In addition to the management system, I created various export functions and customizable themes for customers, to enable other organizations to use the tool at a lower cost on their own platforms.

Creation of different paths and user flows to link the different functions and their screens in the interface.
Creation of different paths and user flows to link the different functions and their screens in the interface.
Organization of the different contents of each of the tool's pages, with the various options required.
Organization of the different contents of each of the tool's pages, with the various options required.